Bonn - Sometimes you can hear the chanting of the Rhine with him, "weatherman" Sven Plöger (42) is a real Bonner!
Born here and raised. Almost every day we graduate the meteorologist said on TV the highs and lows - not only for the "evening news", but also in the "Morning Magazine" ARD "or the" Current Time ".
Plöger part of the team of the Swiss Wettergurus Joerg Kachelmann. In the weather center in Gais Plöger lives. After a good 13 years in Switzerland: How much is there still left Rhineland?
Plöger in perfect Bönnsch: "Of course I still put in a Bonner. I am a regular here. Is odd: In my time I was not in the Rhineland Karnevalsjeck. But since I live in Switzerland, I come every year for extra Weiberfastnacht to Bonn and make friends with one on it. "
The change was a big change. Gais has just 2,700 inhabitants. Plöger: "Bonn is a real city. I love to walk along the Rhine, or drinking a Kölsch in "Bönnsch." The gliding leads me here often. I made 20 years ago in Hangelar soaring ticket. "
Now we have to make do without his weather forecasts: Plöger flies on 22 July to China. "Then is the longest solar eclipse of the century, I have to of course be there."