Friday, June 11, 2010

OB-candidate Sterck - flaps away

Cologne - Free travel for free mayor candidates.
This has probably Ralph Sterck (FDP thought) when he on 29 December 2008 on the A1 driving too fast. And was flashed - the second time within 12 months. Now the cloth is gone.
On the way to Hamburg, he had at Eutin instead of the permitted 100 km / h just 131 on the clock. € 117.90 cost him the "fun". But it got worse: "My bad luck is that I've been flashed in January 2008 in Cologne," said Sterck contrite. "The last time I drove Zoobrückenblitzer 87, although there is only speed allowed 60th I must now pay for train travel. "
The OB-liberal candidate has even double bad luck: The second speed camera caught him at Eutin, a few days before the statute of limitations would run out of the first radar trap on the Zoobrücke. "That's why I'm now turn," he says.
By 20 July he has time to make the flap. "I'm doing but even on Tuesday, so I can sit in the hot phase of re-election campaign himself behind the wheel."
On 30 August, the municipal and OB-election. Also CDU candidate Peter Kurth has been known to go faster, when police allowed: "But never more than 20 km / h shows too much!" Sterck be purified: "I am the least thing a lesson!"

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Despite arrest! Again rabbit brutally beheaded

Dortmund - Friday celebrated the police investigation a success: After two years, and 80 rabbits were brutally killed in Dortmund arrested a suspect (EXPRESS.DE reported>).
But again Saturday a dead rabbit was found. Have the police arrested the wrong man, or was he an accomplice?
It is clear: According to police, was on Saturday in the garden einesEinfamilienhauses a rabbit carcass found, the fit of the head and einVorderlauf been removed - was the rabbit to the other murders.
The police classify the new case is still unclear.